Friday, November 8, 2019


•Emerson’s believes we are better than our selfs.
•We have choices to make 

I can see where Emerson is coming from because a lot of students just agree with everything and hide in their shells until they graduate.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


•A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds

•To be great is to be misunderstood.

My little cousin is inspired by me. He’s grown up with me because we’re neighbors and ever since I stared playing football and he’s been going to my games, he’s been wanting to play too. He tells me all the time he wants to play the same positions I do and lift as much as I do. Not only football but also video games, he’s always wanting to play with me and hang out with me and it makes me happy because I have someone who is inspired by me.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


•Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.

Don’t worry what others say, stay true to yourself and you’ll be good in life. If you let others get into your head, you make yourself look weak and easy for others to pick on you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


He speaks facts. He said “if you don’t try your best you wouldn’t feel content”. I can’t relate to this because I try my best on everything I do with full effort. Even if it means doing something because something is better than nothing.

What is it that makes kids courages and adults so scared?
•What makes kids courageous is them not knowing really knowing anything so they are always asking questions. What makes adults scared is them already kinda knowing what they are doing but they are afraid to ask something due to the fact they might be wrong.

Monday, November 4, 2019


My first impression of this is how no one thinks the same as others. Everyone has a different mindset with different ideas and thoughts. 💡 💭

Thursday, October 24, 2019


In this short story “The Pedestrian” By Ray Bradbury it is about a character who is out on a dark and lonely walk while finding out how technology has changed everyone for the worse. He must've felt really sad because people weren’t talking to him and no one was around. Also how technology was becoming a big problem in how people act these days. Also how the setting was really scary and serious for Bradbury because the whole story he was basically was by himself with no humans around him. 

         The tone is very lonely because the character Leonard Mead is the only real character introduced in this story. With only the police car to be only thing that confronts him. Also while he is walking on his regular night walk he has stated in his story that he has never came across another person on his walks in 8 years. The tone is also quite sad because he has no one to talk to and when the police car asks him if he has a wife he replied "Nobody wants me". Now there you can see that it hurts Mr Mead to even say that, but he does anyways and the police car says nothing.

     Mr Leonard Mead is the main character in this short story and only has one interaction and thats with the police car that stops him while he is on his night walk. He is also the only character that is introduced as an actual person. Mr Mead is impacted by how the authorities treat him and how the technology has had a huge impact on them. He feels like nobody even realizes how technology has made everyone be dumb in a sense where they don't want to be around people and interact with them.

     The main plot of this short story is that Mr Leonard Mead is out on a lonely night walk and is stopped by the only police car in the city at night and the police car takes him to his lit house. How Mr mead reacts to he police car about what he says to him and how calm he is about every question and how the police car reacts to his answers goes to show how much people are not used to that kind of behavior, and if Mr Mead would have responded differently the plot and the outcome would have came out differently. Mr.Mead then realises what technology has done to our society and how our people act and he knows it will only get worse if nothing is done to prevent it.

     In conclusion, the tone of the story is sad, lonely, and dark. Leonardo never changes through out the story, he doesn’t really develop as a character. The tone stays the same until he gets stopped by the cop car with no one in it. All in all, these are the reasons why “The pedestrian” by Bradbury decided to write this story as anger to him getting stopped by a cop.

Monday, October 21, 2019


One day I was walking to 711 and I was getting chased my a dog. I was so scared I jumped into the sewer without hesitation getting my shoes and pants really dirty. I can turn this story in to a short story because I still remember every little detail.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


We had talked about how much time we are putting in ourselves. The time that I work or feel accomplished is the time that will benefit me in the future. For example I’ve been able to keep a very high gpa. With the time that I have to do my work I fee accomplished every night and I feel proud. Confidence is also by my side I’m not afraid to make a mistake and be able to fix it. The time and effort Is the main thing that I focus on. I spend most of my time in home doing work that I know I have to do. I spend about 1 hour and a half making sure I am doing what I am suppose to do.


1. Meme- an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non genetic means, especially imitation.

2. Virus- a piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data.

3. Viral- relating to or involving an image, video, piece of information that is circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another.

4. Blog- a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

5. Wiki- a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.

6. URL- the address of a World Wide Web page.

7. Website- a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages on the World Wide Web.

8. WWW- abbreviation when searching up a website.

9. Internet- a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

10. 2.0- used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept, product, service, etc.

11. Open-source- denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.

Friday, October 4, 2019


How I’m going to start fundraising time for me is doing things that are going to be important for my future. For example, I invest my time in football so that I can get better and maybe play at the next level.


Tuesday, October 1, 2019


In the story on "Young Goodman Brown" there are many things that had happened to him, but I will be talking about how Goodman Brown was evil from the start and that faith knew it from the start. Faith told Goodman Brown that she would unpleasant dreams when she didn't have her husband by sleeping with her by her side. But Goodman Brown didn't listen and went on with his journey to the dark woods at night.
Goodman was evil and final realized it once he meet the so called devil in the woods on his journey. This was probably was a bad dream Goodman Brown probably had but once he had a conversation with him he began to slowly but surly realize that he was truly evil inside and felt like Faith knew this and decided that he wasn't good enough for her. Faith explains when Goodman Brown leaves that "A lone women is troubled with such dreams and such thoughts that she's afraid of herself sometimes. Pray tarry with me this night, dear husband, of all nights in the year."

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Welcome to one of many of my blogs, This one will be about my statement on the short story '"Young Goodman Brown"

My main point of my essay that I will be writing about is did Goodman Brown have a horrible nightmare about him talking the devil in the forest or did it really actually happen. As we all know this story is really a fantasy because talking to the devil in the woods cant really happen. So really in conclusion Goodman Brown realistically had a horrible night mare because of all the evil building up inside of him and it all came out of him as a dream and he lost his view of Faith and now believes he is bad.
It isn't that easy to reflect on a story like "Young Goodman Brown" because this story has a lot of cliffhangers and doesn't really tell you whats truly happening. But maybe with a prompt provided by the teacher it could be a little more easier. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


What I learned today in class is that you don’t have to have an organized essay to be understandable.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


My impression of Young Goodman Brown is that he’s a young good man. It says it in his name.


The most appropriate way to communicate in my opinion is in person face to face. I don’t really text people, I communicate with them in person. I prefer it this way because when your texting someone, you don’t really know how the person talking to you is expressing themselves.

Friday, September 13, 2019


Something I’ve done really well in this course is my résumé. It makes me proud because most of the class didn’t turn it it but I did.


I give most of my time playing football. My time in playing football supports my goal because I can get better and go to the next level.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Earth on Turtle’s Back

In my opinion I thought the story was gonna be another folk tale where it teaches a moral. As I started listening i noticed it was a myth people have passed on. As a kid I’ve always believed in these stories and I find them quit interesting.

Monday, September 9, 2019


Today in class I couldn’t really think about anything but my leg. It was aching the whole time not letting me concentrate. I was thinking how am I going to get to my next period. I have it in the new building and it’s pretty far. I was also thinking about cake Wednesday. It sounds like a pretty cool day sharing our home made foods with our class mates.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Making of an Essay

My experiences with essays are horrible. I was never good at doing them. I would sometimes never turn them in because I wouldn’t finish. They are really stressful and take up too much time. I don’t see why we need essays in our future. I did learn something new today that might make this experience different in the future.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How I Read

My reading experience is okay. I read a lot in elementary and junior high. My book preferences are mystery, action, and adventure. I cannot read others books beside that because I’ll get bored.

Hack to School

I will not be going to back to school night. I will not be going because of football practice. On the other hand, my parents are because they care about my education.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Conscience of a Hacker

“The mentor” uses diction in a way that makes sense. His vocabulary is like a college student but reality he’s in high school. He puts all his words together that have a meaningful way behind them. His tone is mad/serious because he is frustrated with the teachers.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Socratic Method

Socratic method is a good way to have students be open minded. They could be judged by society either good or bad but at the end it doesn’t matter. For example, if one person raises there hand for a question to answer maybe others will too.

Conscience of a Hacker

The kid is my hero. I felt like him when I was in junior high, I hated my teachers for teaching the same thing every year. They think he’s a criminal for being curious and that’s how all adults look at us for being curious.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Entitled to an opinion

No one is entitled to an opinion. No one is entitled to an opinion because everyone thinks differently from others. No one had the right to stop someone from thinking or saying whatever they feel like saying.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Today in class I forgot to read the reading and I walked into class nervous thinking he was going to pick on me to ask a question. “The right to your opinion” was long so I had to read it over and over to understand.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

There’s a football scrimmage this Friday, who’s going???