Thursday, February 27, 2020


1. Gatsby is not great if he’s dead. Yeah, he is good because he had done nothing wrong.

2. Nick is not honest with himself. He hangs out with dishonest people because he can look good himself. He respects them and seeks out relationships with them because he wants to fit in.

3. To me this means that Tom and Daisy were careless people who did horrible things like ruining peoples lives and just moving on like nothing had happened while others cleaned up the mess. Yes I do agree because Tom and Daisy set up Gatsby which lead to him getting killed for something Gatsby didn’t do.

4. I honestly didn’t understand Daisy’s behavior because she knew she was getting cheated on but she still stayed with Tom. I honestly don’t agree with her choices because I would of been long gone if I were her, she is just a pretty fool. She is not a person I would let me my brother/son/friend date because she is toxic and toxic people always bring problems.

5. This means that Nick will get into Gatsby’s boat and recapture his childhood dreams.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Chapter 8

1. Gatsby tells Nick how they were in love with Daisy back in Louisville and how she was supposed to wait for him after the war but when he came back she was married to Tom.


Melancholy- sad

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Chapter 7 notes

1. He stopped having parties because he now has Daisy and he wants privacy.

2. Gatsby didn’t want anyone gossiping about him and Daisy. Gatsby replaced them with half a dozen who never went into West Egg Village to be bribed by the tradesmen. They are different because they weren’t servants but people who did illegal things.

3. Gatsby kept looking at Daisy’s daughter in surprise.

4. Daisy and Tom were getting along with each other. Tom won Daisy over.  The fight was about Tom cheating on Daisy.

5. They crashed on the way back to Long Island.

6. Tom takes Gatsby’s car with Jordan and Nick in it and Gatsby takes Tom’s car with Daisy in it. What this tells me about Daisy’s character is that Daisy is a pretty fool.

Monday, February 24, 2020


Daisy did not like Gatsby’s party and all the flowers backfired on him.

Gatsby would do anything to be go back and be in love with Daisy.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Green house arrived means a lot of flowers came to Gatsby’s house.

Counterfeit- fake

Only reason he has all his nice things in his home if so hopefully Daisy likes it.

The green light is on Daisy’s dock.

Gatsby is still in love and he is trying go get Daisy to like him again.

Thursday, February 13, 2020


Chapter 1
1.Who was the narrator?
2. Where did the narrator leave?

Chapter 2
1. Why did Tom punch Mrs. Wilson?
2. Did Nick get drunk as well?

Chapter 3
1.Why did Nick go to Gatsby's party?
2. Why were they making rumors about Gatsby?

Chapter 4
1. Why did Gatsby leave lunch when Tom showed up?
2. What were the old guys buttons made out of?

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

GATSBY PP. 61- 86

Nick took notes about the guest who came and talked about them.

Evasionsthe action of evading something.

Gatsby going to lunch with Nick. Gatsby’s friend fixed the 1919 World Series.


A “cardinal virtue” is like a sin that’s bad to worse.

Thursday, February 6, 2020


My goal is to fishing school and get a good job to buy my mom a house.

GATSBY PP. 38- 49

Kyke- bad word

Everyone is pretty much drunk and Tom breaks Mrs. Wilson’s nose for saying Daisy’s name.

Gatsby throws big parties

Contemptuous- hate

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

GATSBY PP. 27- 38

Transcendent- to go above and beyond

Unprosperous- poor

As we read on we see how much of an a hole Tom is letting us readers know he’s got money and how he’s having an affair with George’s wife.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

GATSBY 14 - 26

Narrators name is Nick Carraway.

One of the characters brags about his house.

Wan- pale

Daisy only cares about herself and nothing else.

Tom is racist and a jerk.

“That’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool” -pg 21